Monday, 11 August 2014

☆~ Hyper Japan - Super Sonico - 2014 ~☆

Hello everyone~♪
Last month I went to an awesome event in London called Hyper Japan♪!

  1. Hyper Japan is a three-day celebration of all things Japanese and takes place in London~~♪ (Normally Earls Court). Hyper Japan is dedicated to bringing you everything cute, cool and contemporary about today's Japan, pop culture and fashion~~!! ^-^
    I wanted to share with you my Hyper Japan experience!
    On Saturday the 26th~ I cosplayed Super Sonico in her Taiga Parka! It was WAYYYYYYY too hot to wear this cosplay but... you know me ww~♪ fans, water & hot weather spray at the ready~ ww!

    There was a Fuiji Film booth set opposite the Moshi Moshi Nippon stage!
    I managed to pop there when noone was there and get a free polariod photo taken~♪  ´っ>//<c` ♡  If you went there at certain times you could get a polariod with some adorable models like EVA & Anna~♪

    Polaroids are so cute aren't they? ♡✧。(⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡
    I cannot wait to get myself a Instax Mini 8 whilst I am in Japan~♪

    Half way through the day I was so lucky to arrive at the Moshi Moshi Nippon booth at the time the Models were coming for photos!! ugsfigug~~!! aaa!!

    We're all the same height ww~ ´っ>//<c` ♡

    I'm so glad I got to meet them all~! She even said that my headphones were cool as they lit up~! ヽ(。ゝω・。)ノ☆
    When Hyper Japan was setting up I saw that they were having a Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Booth~!! *aaaaaa* So I went to visit it and to my surprise the REAL and Original "PON PON PON" costume was there~!! I was so happy xD Because Kyary is a HUGE inspiration & role model too me~♪ (*^ω^*)
    I was so surprised to see that the glasses around the neckline were sillybands~~!! That's so creative ww~

    Around 3:30pm the Maids of England were performing on stage there~~♪
    THEY WERE SO CUTE!!! aaa~ I can't help but melt and my heart beats out my chest because moe maids. xD ww~♪
    But A few of us were doing some hard Wota for them ww~

    You can watch their full performance here:

    I took some selfie's with some cuties :3
    Serena & Finny~♪

    In the morning I had a quick photo shoot with Master Harlequin~♪
    We spent maybe 20mins with 5 other photographers/videographers taking videos and photos~! ^-^
    I also was featured in his Hyper Japan video:

    It was a lot of fun~♪ And these are the photos that came out!

     zoomed into the last photograph as you can't see my face very well~~ >-<  I got a little bit creative with the 1st photograph he took of me and this is what I made:

    I actually have prints available to purchase on my storenvy~♪

    If you want to see more of my cosplays you can visit my Facebook page here:

    Hyper Japan haul~♪

    I bought a few things at Hyper this year!! I wanted to share with your my purchases as they're so cute~! (っˆヮˆ)っo•。.゚☆。・

    1. Funassyi plush keychain~♪

    2. Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - 2013 World tour book~♪

    3. Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - Button badge (free)~♪

    4. KAWAII HARAJUKU tote bag~♪
    5.  かっぱくんのたび~!Picture book hand made by Kurumi!

    When I got back from Hyper Japan, I tweeted this photo of the book to her! And she replied to me and drew me a personal photo!! 

    It's so cute and I'm soooo Happy aaa~♪

    Over all Hyper Japan was such an amazing event and filled with traditional and Pop culture things to see and activities~♪
    I can't wait for the Christmas Hyper Japan~!!

    Thank you everyone for reading~
    I hope you enjoyed this blog post as much as I enjoyed writing it ^-^

    See you next time~!